Custom Machinery Repair Services
Time and again, customers turn to us at bbc for their machinery repair needs. We are a one stop repair facility providing hard chrome plating, thermal flame spraying including plasma spray, flame spray, and twin wire arc spray, welding including MIG, TIG and ARC, machining, precision grinding, dynamic balancing, cast Babbitt and honing.
bbc has been in business since 1945 providing our expert services to customers in a wide range of industries including aerospace, semiconductor, printing, food processing and solar plus many more. bbc has the processes and the experience to handle your machinery repair projects. bbc with our many in house capabilities ensure you will be provided the right process for your components repair requirements.
bbc is an FAA approved Repair Station; Repair Station #BK3R400L.
- bbc Specialized Services Ratings:
- Chrome Plating
AMS 2460 and AMS 2406 as revised
- Metal Spray / Plasma Spray
AMS 2437 as revised
- Magnetic Particle Inspection
ASTM 1444 as revised
- NDT Penetrant Inspection
ASTM 1417 as revised
We have the capability to repair components manufactured from a wide variety of materials. bbc has a complete inspection department to ensure components are repaired to customer prints and specifications. Non destructive inspection includes magnetic particle inspection and liquid penetrant inspection.
For more information about our Custom Machinery Repair Services or any of the other services we provide please contact bbc.
Machinery Repair Examples:
[click on thumbnail to enlarge]
- Component Name: Reduction Gear Box Accessory Shaft
- Approximate size: 1 ½” x 4″
- Process / Repair: Repair fit Hard Chrome Plating
- Component Name: PTO Shaft Adapter
- Approximate size: 3 ½” diameter
- Process / Repair: Repair bore Hard Chrome Plate
- Component Name: Shaft
- Approximate size: 4″ x 15″
- Process / Repair: Repair fits Hard Chrome Plate and Finish Grind
- Component Name: Bearing Shell
- Approximate size: 24″
- Process / Repair: Flame Spray Babbitt and finish Machine
- Component Name: Progressive Cavity Pump Drive Shaft
- Approximate size: 3″ x 30″
- Process / Repair: Repair Hard Chrome Plate and finish Grind / Plasma Spray ceramic and finish Grind Ceramic and Finish Grind
Machinery Repair Capabilities:
- Additional Services
Hard Chrome Plating
Thermal Flame Spray including Plasma Spray, Flame Spray and Twin Wire Arc,
Welding including MIG, TIG, and ARC, Machining, Precision Grinding, Dynamic
Balancing and Honing
- Production Volume
Research and Development
- Inspection
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Liquid Penetrant Inspection
Complete Inspection Department
- Associations
National Metal Finishers Association Member
Surface Technology Association Member
- Approvals
FAA approved Repair Station #BK3R400L
- Specifications
AMS 2460 as revised
AMS 2406 as revised
AMS 2437 as revised
ASTM E 1444 as revised
ASTM E 1417 as revised
- File Formats